vendredi 15 août 2014

10 most overrated sights of the world

Often, choosing the route for travel, we start from what it was the place we were amazed, looking at them from the TV. But it is not always something that is so glorified media worthy of our attention. Besides, now the trip - fun is not cheap, and should wisely in choosing locations, seeing that you get maximum enjoyment. We present you 10 places that are too hyped and alternatives to them that you will be satisfied with much more.

1 Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge, England
This group has always been attributed to the mystical stones mysticism and magic. But you rarely see on postcards that Stonehenge is located between two very busy highways - and that you are not even allowed to get close to the stones. Of course, you pay for the pass, but only watch from afar attraction. (Previously, tourists chipped pieces of old stones as souvenirs). Therefore, dear, now we do not have to enjoy the view. But in defense of this place say that Stonehenge - 7 Best Places to Meet Dawn .
Alternative: Visit Avebury, about 25 miles from Stonehenge, where the whole town is in the middle of the stone circle.

2 Sacred Stone in Blarney Castle, Ireland

Blarney Castle, Ireland
Legend has it that kissing the stone, man finds eloquence, but considering how many people kiss the stone every day, most likely, will turn out to infectious disease (especially if you believe the rumors that the country make their way there at night and use the stone as the toilet). Also you will have to endure a long queue and dizzyingly high rise, and you will be unceremoniously pushed back. Overall, a fun little.
Alternative: Rid yourself of the long queues and spend this time exploring the land Blarney Castle, which is really worth a visit. There you will not pry any disease.

3 Ancient burial pyramids in Giza, Egypt

An ancient tomb in the pyramids of Giza, Egypt
If you want to stay in a quiet wilderness to see one of the most famous in the world of curiosities, consider all again. Pyramids of Giza are located in the suburbs, close to the center of Cairo, spoils all the fun of the bad smell from the nearby mountains of garbage. Be prepared for the fact that you will be surrounded with the most annoying hucksters in the world, some of them just jump in a taxi to you and try to sell a ticket to ride on a camel. And you will not be able to touch the Sphinx and climb the pyramid.
Alternative: Visit the less well-known to tourists (and not so stressful places) Dahshur pyramid.

4 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy
After the obligatory photo in which you allegedly pushing a tower, especially here and do nothing, but to look at the street vendors, who will chase you. This journey is quite long, especially if you are traveling from Rome to see the memo culture.
Alternative: Pisa Cathedral, the Romanesque cathedral, which is full of works of art will not only consider the tower and wait when you get robbed.

5 Prague Astronomical Clock, Czech Republic

Prague Astronomical Clock, Czech Republic
I am sure that it is the oldest existing astronomical clock. But just in case, if you think a good idea to look at the famous giant cuckoo clock, while you push the other tourists, more than nothing to do here. If you want to see the clock, come right before the show (an hour an hour), so you do not spend 50 minutes waiting for the show.
Alternative: Paris Orsay Museum, which houses many beautiful hours.

6 Times Square, New York

Times Square, New York
5 well-known blocks Times Square waiting for you flashing billboards, obnoxious sellers of pirated CDs, chain restaurants, and the crowds of tourists who are looking at their cards, trying to find his way. Residents of the town around this place a party, because there is a private space disappears. I will never understand why tourists passing is a great way to New York to buy candy at the store M & Ms, dine in the restaurant "Olive Garden" and gawk at billboards.
Alternative: Go on Museum Mile in New York, 8 museums in a row on 5th Avenue. Less people, more unusual items, which you can look - and there will also be stalls where you can buy hot dogs.

7 Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California

Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California
If you're reading this - then you just have access to the Internet. So why not find the names of well-known personalities in Google instead of traveling for the sake of those names located on the sidewalk? Plus visitors are always shocked Hollywood streets filled with entertainers in suits who are trying to sell the photo tour.
Alternative: Visit the Wax Museum Madame Tussauds in Gollivude.Tam, at least, you can take photos with famous people and immobile for long deceive friends on Facebook acquaintance with the stars.

8 statue "Manneken Pis", Belgium

Manneken Pis, Belgium
Yes, the name of this statue in Brussels translates roughly as "the little boy who pees." We do not understand why tourists come running to see a statue of a naked child urinating. If you still insist, go there when the statue is decorated - you will be less uncomfortable (or come in those days, when the water in the fountain was replaced with beer, then you can easily get a free drink).
Alternative: Look at the "dog pisses" lesser-known statue in Brussels, which does the same thing, and Manneken Pis. At least the dog looks more cute.

9 Equator, Ecuador

Equator, Ecuador
Do not try to find another abode lies. Tourists take pictures near the "Center of the World" - the park around the monument and the drawn line, which is considered the middle of the world - 0 degrees latitude. Unfortunately, it is a delusion and a real equator is a hundred feet from a fairly inaccessible point. In defense of the park, it was built long before the advent of GPS-navigators.
Alternative: If you like to pose for photos when you go on line, go to England and be the focus on the line of the prime meridian, which is at least in the right place. (However, you do not mark the latitude and longitude of 0 degrees).

10 Monument of "The Little Mermaid", Denmark

Monument "The Little Mermaid", Denmark
The famous statue in Copenhagen, which developed out of a fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" is actually a copy. This statue is kept indoors, which is probably the best option, as the relic has been damaged, destroyed, her decapitated and blasted with dynamite. You will cover the same negative emotions when you see this show, as the tourists online reviews speak of it as "difficult to see because of the small size of the", "a disgrace to Hans Christian Andersen" and "do not necessarily see it," and say that it is "in a very remote location."
Alternative: Show your respect to the author and visit the monument to Hans Christian Andersen in Central Park in New York, where you can make a lot of shots, climbing on the monument.

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