vendredi 15 août 2014

10 most interesting Elevators in the World

Many cities are trying to attract the attention of tourists with the help of architectural wonders, some of which are elevators. Today we look at 10 cities, which has created the most interesting ones. In most cases, this is not a sight for the faint of heart. After all, they are built not only inside the buildings. In general, I will immediately open all the cards. Next, read for yourself.

1.AkvaDom - Berlin, Germany

Photo: vxla

This is a new opportunity to become part of marine life - a ride on a transparent elevator, which is located right in the center of the 25-meter glass aquarium. Landmark Sealife Centre in Berlin AquaDom - the largest cylindrical tank in the world, where more than 1 million liters of water swims about 1500 species of fish 97.

2.Lift Baylong - Zhangjiajie, China

Photo: kazuhito

If you ever dreamed of climbing the mountain, but were too afraid of heights, travel on this elevator make this vision a reality. Elevator Baylong (meaning "Lift hundred dragons" - one of the highest lifts all over the world, which is located in the open air, and is built on the edge of a cliff in Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Province, China. Passengers can be sure that they see the inimitable view through the glass wall of the elevator , which rises on a steep rock mountain, to a height of 330 meters.

3 Lift-bird cage at the Maritime Museum - Victoria, British Columbia

Built in 1899, the elevator in the Museum Victoria in North America - the oldest working lift-cage for birds. Since the museum was originally housed a provincial court, this elevator was built for use by Theodore Dave - the second senior judge of the highest court in British Columbia, which at that time suffered from heart disease. Unfortunately, Dave died before he could get a lift. Although the elevator and was built over a century ago, gold and blue frame grille have been preserved in excellent condition, and a trip to such an elevator would be amazingly soft.


4.Sky View - Stockholm, Sweden

Sky View - Stockholm, Sweden

This lift provides an opportunity to see a unique view of the sky. Two glass elevators rise up in two ways outside of the largest spherical building in the world - Errikson Globe. Elevator takes passengers to a height of the building, which is about 130 meters above sea level.

5 Hammetschwand Lift - Bürgenstock, Switzerland

Hammetschwand Lift - Bürgenstock, Switzerland


This is the highest outdoor elevator in Europe, which lifts passengers plumb rock at 153 meters up, straight to the top Hammetschwand, less than 1 minute. Sure, on the way up the elevator you will panorama of the Swiss Alps and Lake Lucerne.

6 Lift the Louvre - Paris, France

Elevator in the Louvre - Paris, France

Photo: jay

Elevator with open top in this world famous shopping center of Paris is driven by hydraulic force, so guests descend and go to the outside of the museum slowly and deliberately. Once the circular platform stops, there is a special track for guests to get down and landing. And now, you can head to the painting and Leonardo da Vinci.

Lloyds Building 7 - London, Great Britain

Lloyds building - London, Great Britain

Photo: Bryce

The head office of the insurance company "Lloyd" in London, which is called "building inside out", is a building with unique architectural design, which has been specially created with flights of stairs, fountain, connected to the mains water pipes outside the building to maximize the space inside. Also outside of the building located 12 glass elevators, which were the first of its kind in the UK. We suspect that employees "Lloyd's" look good, because they have to ride the elevator up and down throughout the day and before the eyes of the shopping district.

8 "West Gate" - Missouri, United States

"Gateway to the West" - Missouri, United States

192-meter stainless steel arch - the highest monument in the United States, created by the hand of man, and yet it is the highest arch in the world. You have the chance to enjoy the beauty of the city of St. Louis during the lifting of the arch one of the two existing elevators, each of which is placed on both sides of the arch. This bus consists of 9 yaytsepodobnyh booths that revolve around its axis during the movement of passengers, reaching the top of a 4-minute and down going down for 3 minutes.

9 Taipei 101 - Taipei, Taiwan

Taipei 101 - Taipei, Taiwan

Want to ride the elevator, which resembles a race car? Elevator, located in the tower of Taipei 101 fulfill your desire. In the 508-meter building, which is 101 floors, there are 67 lifts, but only 2 of them transfer you to the observation deck, where fans of the amazing spectacles get a lot of pleasure. The elevators were built in such a way as to drop off visitors from the 5th floor to the 89th floor observation deck, just for 37 seconds, at a speed of 1,010 meters per minute, or 60 km / h.

10 Hotel St. Francis Westin - San Francisco, United States

Hotel St. Francis Westin - San Francisco, United States

Photo: Jonny

This hotel is located in downtown San Francisco, where 5 glass exterior elevators lift passengers on the 32 floor at 305 meters in just 1 minute. If soak trip offers chic incomparable view of the city in less than 0.5 minutes. But do not forget that such enthusiasm may experience only residents of the hotel, who have access to the lifts with the help of the keys to the rooms. Therefore, as a tourist you will not be allowed there. Alas ...

How to get to any of these lifts for me personally is the most extreme adventures in life. And you'd like to get up on one of them?

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