vendredi 15 août 2014

25 beautiful places that you've never heard of

If I had a few months and unlimited funds, I would be happy to send in all possible places that nobody even heard of. There is something special to go or fly to a place that few have heard, it seems that you find your own secluded spot, and no one in this world. Accordingly, in the places about which little is known, virtually no tourists. For you, I have prepared a list of 30-and such unusual places.

1 Melissani Cave, Greece

Пещера Мелиссани, Греция

Greeks have long known this place. The cave was important in Greek mythology, since it was a place inhabited by nymphs, and as anyone knows, the nymphs - being extraordinarily beautiful. It is difficult not to feel special when you're in a place like this.

2 Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Кэмерон-Хайлендс, Малазия 
  One of the most unique places to see, is quite different from what you imagine when thinking of Malaysia. Typically, Malaysia - quite a hot country, but here in the Cameron Highlands, vast mountains remain quite pleasant temperature between 10 ° C and 21 ° C, which can not but rejoice!

3. Луангпхабанг, Лаос

Луангпхабанг, Лаос 

Thinking of Laos, we envision a completely different world than the one we are used to. Luang Prabang is on the list of World Heritage Sites, as one of the world's most protected land, this explains the fact why this place does not come to mind immediately when we begin to plan a vacation. But as soon as you set foot on the land of this beautiful town, you will see a lot of monks, lush green and bright colorful spices in the local cuisine. This is - one of the reasons to love Laos.

4. Церковь Лас-Лахас, Колумбия

Церковь Лас-Лахас, Колумбия 

This place is like a dream come to life! Taking into account the fact that this magnificent basilica was built 33 years old, she is certainly one of the most beautiful places which you never heard of until now, but still it is one of the hidden gems of the world. Just google and enjoy all the luxuries of the design of this church.

 5 Suzhou, China

Сучжо́у, Китай 
Everything you have ever seen in China, filled with a great history. Specifically, this place has a history length of 2 500 years. My dream is to swim in this city on the boat and enjoy the beautiful architecture. Being somewhat new discovery for tourists the city has brought some improvements of its main objects and functions, so hurry up to visit this place before the crowds begin to gather it!

6 Saturno Cave, Cuba

Пещера Сатурно, Куба 

Last year, my girlfriend and her boyfriend visited the cave Saturno. Delivshis impressions, she said it was the most amazing place she had ever seen. The water there is clean and blue, striking rock formations with its magnificence, and the descent into the cave is covered with lush greenery. Most importantly, do not forget the camera!

7 National Park Los Glasyares, Argentina

Национальный парк Лос-Гласьярес, Аргентина 
There are no words to describe this beauty! Another place in the list of UNESCO, which is worth a visit. Now it will not be an unknown terrain for you. Gradually nature park wins the hearts of more and more tourists with its glaciers and stunningly beautiful wildlife that lives around your life.

 8 Mont-Saint-Michel, France

Мон-Сен-Мише́ль, Франция 
One look at this miracle, and we can not forget about the castle from Disneyland. An island off the coast of France, this place has quite a rich history, the place served as one of the most important ways of serfs. It is definitely one of the most magical cities I've ever seen, and I'd love to watch the sunset, which occurs over this magnificent castle. Ah, France - a beautiful country, there are so many places to stay.

9 Petra, Jordan

Петра, Иордания 
Personally, I doubt that there is in the world something more majestic and awesome, except this place. People who love history, and maybe even closely associated with it, will appeal to the area, which has a historical significance. Peter - just one of those ancient cities. Scientists estimate that the city was built in 309 BC .. Coming here you will feel like one of those people who set foot on this land for hundreds of thousands of years ago. This place has been carved out of pink stone and retains its luster to this day.

10 Bhutan

     Bhutan actually became known as one of the happiest countries. It is difficult to describe in words the splendor of this place, even though the local government and requires travelers to spend a minimum of 200 - $ 250 for the visa. The country is now open to the public, but my advice to you, go there as soon as the holiday season.

11 Kimberley, Australia

Кимберли, Австралия 
For those of you who enjoy a more vivid and more adventure tours, Kimberley - just the right place. While Australians have time to enjoy the beauty of the county during the year, in their part of the world we are just starting to discover the Kimberley for yourself. This is the northern part of Western Australia is one of the wettest places that you can visit. Kimberley has a tropical monsoon climate. So before you go fly twice revise the forecast.

12 Tianzi Mountain, China

Tianzi Mountains, China
Remember how in the movie "Avatar," we were all mesmerized by the floating mountains and the thought itself - it would be great if such a place would exist in reality? Well, my dear friends, look no further! After you see the pictures and video Tianzi Mountains, you are sure to add this place to the list of those who need to visit in the near howling. Surprisingly, in fact, that in life there are such places, but it's true.

13 Huacachina, Peru

Huacachina, Peru
This place is like out of a movie, in the literal sense of "paradise in the desert." If you are certainly not an avid fan of the sand of life, then, most likely, this is another awesome place that you have not heard. Sand dunes around a small natural lake, surrounded by a small paradise. If you believe in all sorts of legends, then around here says that a beautiful princess, who was banished hunter, fleeing, leaving behind a lagoon tears. It is said that the girl is still alive, but it has turned into a mermaid, some desperate tourists eager to meet her.

14 Kaziranga National Park, India

Kaziranga National Park, India
This park - World Heritage, which is protected by the United Nations, and more - are home to many rhinos, wild boars, Bengal tigers, elephants. The most interesting thing is that until now the park itself remains untouched by people. If you intend to visit this place, you will be able to see only about 20% of the park!

15 Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon, USA
If you had never heard of Antelope Canyon, then listen carefully. This place - the most photographed part of the canyon in the American Southwest. Brightness red-red flowers, which stretch more than 100 meters. Inside the canyon looks no less impressive than the outside.

16 Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia, Turkey
The best way to enjoy all this indescribable beauty - on, or rather, in flight in a balloon. More Cappadocia is famous for traditional Turkish cuisine. A few days in this wonderful city can be a bit of this tale.

17 Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Just look at this picture -Beauty indescribable! This place just was not revealed to you up to this point. Salar has an area of ​​10,588 square kilometers and is the largest in the world. This is a truly spectacular sight. Imagine that you are standing on the ground, which reflects all, the feeling that you are in the truest sense of the word "heaven of happiness." I very much want to visit this place.

18 Darien National Park, Panama

Darien National Park, Panama
Another incredible place in the list of World Heritage Sites (lucky those who explore all these great places!), Darien National Park - a very beautiful sight. Seeing at least once photos of the neighborhood, you can not forget its splendor. Most of the park is not available due to its extreme isolation, but if you go to Cana, one of the most affordable places to visit, you can enjoy a small particle of indescribable nature in this part of the world. And once you're in Panama, do not forget to visit all the famous Panama Canal.

19 of Socotra, Yemen

Socotra, Yemen
This is one of the most isolated landforms on earth, where there are incredibly beautiful and unusual for us, trees and flowers. This place does not often meet tourists, but the reviews that you can find on the internet, are impressive.

20 Lord Howe Island, Australia

Lord Howe Island, Australia
Do not spectacular breathtaking view? It is a beautiful place for water lovers. At any time, you can become one of the 400 guests, who may be on this island. The place is under the protection of the United Nations, so you really will feel here like in paradise. A mixture of landscapes, wildlife and underwater adventure will make fall in love with this place.

21 Emerald Lake, Canada

Emerald Lake, Canada
My girlfriend 2 years ago, visited this lake, and still can not find the right words to describe all the beauty. Water there is calm and clear, against the spectacular pines, snow-capped mountains and blue sky. All this is simply breathtaking. If you are lucky enough to book a place in the house next to the lake, send me pictures, I'm really want to see all this beauty.

22 Floral Park Hitachi, Japan

Floral Park Hitachi, Japan
The first word that comes to mind - wow! Just by looking at the picture, we see hundreds of rows of flowers. I'm sure that being in the wrong place and see it all live - the feeling can not be compared with anything. Floral Park Hitachi is just 2 hours from Tokyo, so get to it pretty easily. All year round you can enjoy the beauty of flowers, which have not seen before. And imagine how there should flavor.

23 Kaieteur, Guyana

Kaieteur, Guyana
This place looks unforgettable! Kaieteur Falls is so strong that their noise can be heard long before you see them. In order to at least to some extent, understand how magnificent this place, say, its height is 4 times higher than Niagara Falls. To the summit can be reached on foot, or a book a private helicopter. Whichever method you choose, if possible, be sure to visit this place.

24 Yucatan, Mexico

Yucatan, Mexico
One look at the picture and it is difficult not to want to go to a place like this. Here you will see a thriving city that is worth exploring. His incredible art, clean beaches and caves - all these will give you a lot of fun. Plus, it is also the birthplace of tequila and house the coolest pyramids in North America.

25 Giola, Greece

Giola, Greece
Surely you met pictures of this place on the internet, but did not know the name of this stunning lagoon until today. Secluded lagoon Giola is on the coast, so it just kind of mind-blowing, but to get to it is not quite easy, but it's worth it.

Well, now you have it - a list of 25 places that is likely you have not previously heard of, but are worth a visit, if there is a chance! In the world there are so many amazing unexplored corners, sometimes to stop and enjoy all the luxuries of untouched nature. Tell me which one of those places that few people know, do you like?

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