vendredi 15 août 2014

12 Rules of Safe Travel to Morocco


1 Do not talk to anyone who calls you to

You know, the usual and really nice people very rarely come up and start talking to you on the street. Despite the fact that it is quite natural - talk to your neighbor on the train or the bus, with the sellers or other customers in the shop when suddenly to you all of a sudden starts to cling to someone, it is unlikely they started something good, rather all them something from you need. In the case of women, I can say this for sure. Moroccan men will never get too close to the Moroccan woman, and if they do it with you, then they show disrespect to you.
Something similar happened to me on the last day of my stay in Morocco. To me on the street and a man came up to me obsessively began to offer their help while I was walking in the local market in Tangier. I decided not to give up and asked him what made him think that I need his help. I also told him that he would never do this if I were a Moroccan woman. Of course, he began to make excuses, but I did not give up. Luckily for me the past we were two local women, and I demanded from him that he did the same with them. He refused and admitted that, so he showed me disrespect.
Better, of course, simply ignore them. Imagine what is around you just do not have anyone, even if they insist and roughly attract attention, saying that you behave discourteously, because you are not at home and need to show them respect. Believe me, normal people do not have a lead, and they certainly did not bother you. When they become unbearable, I loudly and confidently pronounce a phrase in classical Arabic, "I do not talk to men on the street» - La atakallem ma'a rrijalati shshari.
I do it as loudly as possible to the people around us heard me and understood that I behave decently (Moroccan women never talk to strange men on the street). As a rule, it works, and they are responsible for something like that, that you behave like a typical Moroccan and even continue to insist that long. I think this sentence is enough to continue further explanation rather fraught, since as soon as you begin to respond to them, from them you will not unbind, they will follow you everywhere.

2 Move as quickly as possible

Thus, you will not simply hear what most people around you are saying, so that everything will be as if you just no one bothers. Many Moroccan men think that you just crave attention and they will try to talk to you, even if you will feel that you have not shown them absolutely nothing. The less you pay attention to them, the faster they will switch to someone else and fall behind you.

3 is better not to teach their language

Of course, when you're in another country, knowing little of its language, you are much easier to adapt, but how hard it is to live when you realize all the insults and swear words, which include local residents in their conversation. Better not understand anything at all than to hear it. Particularly nasty to be on the market as there every man strives to tell a story such that his cheeks flush red.

4 Stick to couples or women

Moroccan men are just incredible cowards. If you are next to another woman (especially middle-aged lady) or a pair, they are unlikely to let go in your favor any jokes as the second woman may think that they did it her way, and only this to them with not will do. So, if there is such a possibility, it is better to stick on the street couples or other women.

5 Do not be afraid to oppose them

As I said, there's just horrible men are cowards. Several times in my practice was that any pursuer was tied for me somewhere in the market and openly followed me shopping. However, when I started to respond to it negatively, he ran. It makes no sense to take them to the police, I did have a feeling that they pay extra to it. But if you are confident and bold confrontation will assist them, most likely they startled retreat.

6 Do not believe what you say in the street

Locals also can you quickly and easily fooled. They will direct you to where they pay extra for it, telling you that there where you originally sent very dangerous. Of course, they will stand on the fact that any benefits they do not have, but believe it is not necessary. Even the dealer never admits that he specifically hired a man to the one convened to it customers. But rest assured that his commission will surely come, especially if you do you will eventually buy.

7 Ask for help in certain people

Best of all, by any chance you're having such a need, ask for help from women or elderly gentlemen. Young people playfully react to you, but would be better if they did not, in the end you do regret that they had been asked.

market in Morocco

8 Throw away the guilt

Of course, Morocco is a fairly poor country, but you should not feel this guilt and try to enrich everyone who will meet on your way. I personally chose a certain amount of money that I can give, and shared only with the older men and women, which is simply not able to work and earn money on their own.

9 Dress conservatively

I think you've heard it a thousand times, but it is really very important. This does not mean that you have to dress like your grandmother, just avoid, for example, too short shorts and skirts. About the fact that it is better to wear a skirt instead of trousers, I can only say that people treated me the same, that would be one I have to choose. The only thing you have to remember, if you go to the mosque (this rule applies to any country), you have to put on a decent skirt and blouse with long sleeves. Wearing sunglasses is also very good at helping to escape from unpleasant harassment because you just do not meet strangers eyes, and, therefore, do not provoke them to boorish behavior.
If you want to dress up as a Moroccan woman, you have two options. You can wear the traditional "djellaba" or robe. This option is perfect for those who travel alone, and if you are not too pale. In fact, many Berbers themselves have whitish features and in particular blue eyes, so that no one will be for you to find fault. You can buy djellaba on the market (do not forget to bargain) and carry straight on top of their usual clothes. You do not have to wear a head scarf, you can simply tie your hair in a ponytail or braid plait this kind is not uncommon.
To better fit local traditions on their feet, you can wear sandals instead of sneakers. Certainly the fact that you wear a djellaba not convince everyone that you are born Moroccan, but you will be more harmonious look in this place, and you will be less likely to stick. Several times I have put on, and it's really an incredible feeling of happiness and freedom, when you realize that you can freely move anywhere without worrying that to anyone ever stick.
If you do not feel comfortable in a uniform, you can wear under her tights or leggings with a thin jacket (or even T-shirts when it's very hot). That's what makes a huge number of Moroccan women, so if that will put you, no one will pay special attention to this.

10 Remove the hair back

I know I already mentioned it, but this issue deserves a separate paragraph. It is best to braid hair in a braid or tie into a ponytail and put them away under the scarf, a hat or cap. So you'll look less sexy, and, hence, reduce the amount of harassment minimum. I do not know why Moroccan men believe flowing hair riding sexuality, but every time I wore a similar hairstyle, rebound in men simply did not exist, and it was unbearable.

11 A few general tips

In general, I would advise you not to trust anyone there. Women (except for women Berbers, who will try to sell you a "silver" ornament in Marrakesh) are quite good and nice people, although, as a rule, they are unlikely themselves to be for you.
Of course, many people do not have to your business, and they do not conspire against you something bad, but you still need to be extremely careful. If someone invites you to dinner, and you basically do not have anything against it, buy a gift for them. If all goes well, the owner is just pleasant Your gratitude, and, if it was a ploy, it will help you avoid unnecessary squabbles.
I actually think that trust is built up for a long time, regardless of where you actually are. I have met a huge number of Moroccan women, with whom we were incredibly interesting conversations and developed purely friendship. To date, most of the people I met were very friendly and pleasant, and, surprisingly, much more generous than the ones I know.
When I lived in Fez, I could not find a bank, in which I would have been able to exchange their money for Moroccan. I asked one of the local hotel owner that if I could stay with them and pay the next day. So he was kind enough to allow me to not only pay later, but even took me 100 dirham, when he heard about my plight. It is unlikely that someone from my home environment would also be nice and responsive.

oriental girl

12 Etiquette and Customs in Morocco

Etiquette when meeting

  • When Moroccans greet each other, they are not really in a hurry and had long interested in how things have their families and friends, as well as talk on general topics.
  • Handshakes are the official greeting between individuals of the same sex.
  • This is the handshake usually occurs slightly more weakly than in the west.
  • Once you have more or less acquainted with each other, decided to greet with kisses on the cheek from the left. In this case, all accompanied by a handshake. Usually it occurs again or between men or women between.
  • When hello man and woman, it must reach out to first. If it does not, the man bows his head in greeting.
  • When you do not say hello to one person, but with a group of people, you should start with someone who is the right of all and then move right to left.
  • As you leave, you have to say goodbye to each separately.

Etiquette gift giving

  • If you are invited to visit, you can take as a gift with a sweet pastries, nuts, figs, dates or flowers to give them to the hostess.
  • Small gift for children will be viewed positively.
  • Do not bring alcohol, if you do not believe that the owners put it.
  • Gifts will be opened as soon as they are received.

Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to the Moroccan house, then:
  • You must remove your shoes.
  • Well and smartly dressed. This will demonstrate your respect for the owners.
  • Make sure that your husband was also invited. Many conservative Moroccans do not recognize mixed society.
  • Shake hands with everyone present separately.

Mind your manners at the table!

  • The food is usually served on a table knee-high.
  • The guest of honor usually sits next to the owner of the house.
  • Before you start the meal, you will be offered a special washbasin. Keep your hands in it until the water covers them. After you dry your hands with a towel provided.
  • Do not start eating until the host does not bless the food and start eating itself.
  • Meals are served in a common bowl.
  • Eat of that section, which is closer to you. Never drag to those who are in the other side to you.
  • Hold the food a piece of bread or the first two fingers of his right hand.
  • Eat and drink only with the right hand.
  • Do not wipe your hands with a napkin.
  • Water is often provided in the general jug. If you want to use a separate glass, ask about the owner.
  • After all will eat you again given the opportunity to rinse hands.
  • Expect that you will be offered more food than everyone else. The abundance of food indicates the hospitality of the hosts.

Business Etiquette in Morocco

  • Moroccans prefer to deal with people they know and respect, therefore, before build business relationships, be prepared to spend time, cultivate personal.
  • Much more important to have more links than knowledge, so cultivate the number of dating that can help you in your work, especially when it comes to bureaucracy.
  • When you meet the guests, offer them a mint tea, it is a sure sign of hospitality.
  • Moroccans in their own backyard learned a lot from the French, so they are incredibly important politeness and formality.
  • Moroccans volumes are judged by your clothes, be prepared to present yourself well.

Business Etiquette

  • It is important to appoint all the meetings in advance and as far forward, and in a few days to confirm whether everything is going according to plan.
  • Avoid meetings during Ramadan, as Muslims can not eat or drink during this during the day.
  • Do not plan any meetings on Friday between 11:15 am and 03:00 of the day, because at this time they pray.
  • Come and always on time, but be prepared to wait. They always try to arrive on time, but often it happens for them an impossible task.
  • Moroccans practice open communication system even during a business meeting. This means that at this time you can happen a lot of breaks. Someone may suddenly get up and start walking around the room, and someone will start a discussion and did a completely abstract theme. You can join them, but in any case do not return them to the previous topic, unless they do it themselves.
  • Generally, meetings are held in the French language, although sometimes there are also English-speaking. Check in advance what language is your meeting and, if necessary, call an interpreter.

Business negotiations

  • Companies are often built in a hierarchical order. The man who is at the top makes all the decisions on their own, based on the fact that he gave his band.
  • Decisions are taken after serious discussion.
  • If the government is involved, the discussion will take even longer, as it will have to take permission huge number of different ministers.
  • Moroccans always make their choice in favor of long-term relationships.
  • Do not criticize anyone publicly. It is very important to you in any case did not do so that your partner lost his face.
  • Moroccans did not tolerate confrontation. They will be able to agree about everything.
  • Expect a fair amount of bargaining. Moroccans rarely make the final decision right away.
  • Decisions are taken by a very long time. Do not try to speed up this process, it can be perceived as an insult.
  • This society is ruled by the bureaucracy. Most decisions require a tremendous amount of permits.
  • Even in dealing with very simple tasks, you may need a lot of meetings.
  • Do not use strong pressure tactics, as a result, it can work against you.
  • Moroccans are very strong in the negotiations.

Etiquette clothing

  • Business attire is formal and very conservative views.
  • The men at the first meeting should wear business suits dark color.
  • Women wear elegant business suits, dresses or pantsuits.
  • Women should dress modestly, skirts must cover the knees, and the sleeves cover most of the shoulder.
  • Do not wear expensive accessories.

Business Cards

  • Exchanging business cards is absolutely just happens without too much pathos.
  • On the one hand a business card to be either in French or Arabic.
  • When you give your business card with the other side, ensure that that it has been deployed to it the side that is all written in his language.

Morocco - the country, tired of life which, quite different from the European, however, going to such a journey should be sufficiently familiar with these tips. Thus you will protect yourself from trouble during a stay in Morocco. If you know from personal experience with this country - to share your experience with us!

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