vendredi 15 août 2014

Turkey Travel Guide: Useful Tips for Tourists

Turkey has long been one of the most popular destinations for those who are looking for a quality comfortable holiday. Today I would like to share with you the most important and useful facts that will allow you to have as much detailed information about this place. This article will also be useful for those who want to go there on vacation. I hope that you will be really interesting, and you learn as much as possible about this beautiful country.

Hours of Operation

Banks are open from 08:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday. Some banks in the areas where most tourists stay, open every day. On weekends, most organizations have a rest. Museums are mostly closed on Mondays.


New Turkish Lira was introduced into operation from 1 January 2005 year. The old Turkish Lira (TL) was withdrawn from circulation on 1 January 2006. And now the exchange is only one way from the old to the new, while it will be carried out only up to 31 December 2015 in the Central Bank. 1 YTL (New Turkish Lira, TRY) = 1,000,000 TL (old Turkish lira). Now in use in Turkey is 100 bills TRY, 50 TRY, 20 TRY, 10 TRY, TRY 5 and 1 TRY. Coin has a face value of 50, 25, 10 and 5, and 1 new kurus.

Currency Exchange

In exchange offices, banks or hotels can be exchanged for free, without the presence of any commissions. The easiest way to change the USD and EUR. Also many banks have the opportunity to exchange British pounds and Japanese yen. The hardest thing with the Australian and Canadian currency, but not in the banks and official exchange offices in major cities.
Traveler's checks can be exchanged in banks only. To avoid additional costs, it is better to hand over their feet sterling or dollars.
ATMs are not uncommon in most areas, you will easily be able to appeal the Turkish lira, if you have Visa, MasterCard, Cirrus, Maestro and Eurocard. Almost all ATMs have instructions in English, French and Turkish. Usually, you can shoot night to $ 250 per day.
Card standards American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted in Turkey, but with American Express still sometimes a problem (for example, Turkish Airlines do not accept such cards). You can easily take advantage of the loan on credit cards. Before you go to Turkey to find out the conditions of work with your card in another country with your bank, so you do not have any problems and for some new spending.

Currency restrictions

On the import of local and foreign currency there are no restrictions, but if you are traveling with a really a lot of money, you need to report it on arrival and enter that in the passport, to avoid problems on departure from the country. You can take a maximum of 5 000 USD, you will need to provide proof that you have removed the money in the banks.
Travelers planning to change money back to foreign, before fly from Turkey should keep all receipts and receipts obtained by this procedure, in order to prove that the transaction is legally allowed and it was just an exchange.


Certain goods require that control the importation into the territory of Turkey, to avoid paying customs duty: 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 200 grams of tobacco and 200 g of tissue paper, 50 grams of chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, 200 grams or 200 grams of snuff; 5 bottles of 1 liter or 7 bottles of 0.7 liters of wine and / or spirits; coffee and tea within reasonable limits; 5 bottles of 120 ml each of spirits; gifts worth up to 255.65 euros; electronic products valued up to 255.65 euros.
400 cigarettes, 100 cigars and 500 grams of pipe tobacco may be imported if purchased in the duty free shop. The main list of goods that can be imported duty-free, you can get at the Turkish Embassy, ​​in consultation in the office of financial and customs consultant.
It is logical to assume that drugs, sharp objects, weapons, and more than one set of playing cards on the territory of Turkey can not be imported.
Export souvenirs such as carpets, subject to mandatory customs inspection, which will become clear age and value of the product. It is strictly forbidden to export antiques, with more than a century of history. Also banned the export of certain goods that fall under the class of antiques, the basic conditions of the baggage you can also learn the Turkish Embassy.


For the most part you will find in Turkey a European plug with round metal pins in the 220 V and 50 Hz. Are not uncommon in the voltage jumps, so be careful. If you are traveling with a laptop, try to get a surge protector of the house.



In general, Turkey is safe enough to travel the country, although many here might upset stomach. It is advisable to still drink only bottled water and a standard hygiene measures and nutrition, especially in July and August. Try not to eat in questionable places and make sure that the fish or meat that is cooked, it was really fry. Best to avoid shellfish and oysters, as they may be stale. Drink only pasteurized milk.
When entering the country you do not need to put any vaccinations. However, no harm will update the standard set of vaccinations against tetanus, polio and typhoid. Talk to your doctor about what precautions you best take. On malaria Do not worry, in the main tourist areas in the west and south-west of the country there is no risk of infection. The most dangerous is the period from May to October in areas Ukorova / Amikova and the south-east Anatolia, Adana and Antalya.
Health care is rather expensive and therefore not very popular, so it would be very nice if you are together with the permit and order a travel insurance. It will cover the costs to provide any medical assistance. Most doctors and dentists are fluent in other languages, especially in large hospitals.
Turkey is well-equipped pharmacies, however, you still is not worth the risk, so the best stocks everything you might need. Make sure that all medications for regular admission you have with you, and that you have permission from your doctor that you are using them legally.


In Turkey, Turkish is the official language, it owns 90% of the population. 6% speak Kurdish, Arabic favor of 1.2% of the population and most of them are bilingual, that is, speak both Arabic and Turkish. Other languages, which also include Circassian occupy about 0.09% across the country. This also includes Greek, Armenian and Roman, which is spoken by Jews. If you are working with government officials, you may need to all documentation.


Despite the fact that Turkey is considered to be a quiet country in the region, thefts and robberies are not uncommon. You need to be sure to take all the precautions that are only possible. For example, wear a money only under clothes somewhere in a safe place, for fear of pickpockets and other lovers of foreign bills, particularly in areas that are characterized by a large crowd of people. For example, in the main bazaar in Istanbul. Also be careful about ATM, beware of thieves.
If you are traveling alone, be careful when meeting with suspicious couples or even triples of people who are trying to make friends with you and offer a drink or a bite to eat together. There often offer drug and rob foreigners. To distinguish a friendly Turk on anyone's mind that something was wrong, ask them to make a picture of him and leave yourself as a souvenir, and see how he reacts. Did not try out what offers you a stranger, since you simply can start allergy or poisoning. If he starts screaming that you hurt his generosity and hospitality, feel free to go to the police station or a bank, where there is a guard to avoid anything serious.
As a result, the traditional gender segregation in Turkish men tend to believe that any woman, move one, may be subject to prosecution. But fortunately, in most cases to a "serious assault" is not reached. Of course, provided that you behave and dress modestly, men will treat you very politely and with kindness. Wearing a wedding ring can be a serious reason for them not to touch you, will also help sunglasses that will not let you face looks a particularly arrogant and ill-mannered men. Unfortunately, many Turks are taking the standard polite smile for flirting, so be careful in the first place to themselves.
Pay attention to the labels on the restaurants, they have a special place reserved for relaxation and comfort women. Take care that they were written or Aile ailé Salonu - which means "family". In a society where some women run amok and booze is not recommended.
If you take a taxi, a woman in any case should not sit in the front passenger seat.
If you are traveling by bus, choose the empty space where no one. Often women have a separate place in the front of the cabin, you can notify about this. If no one shows you where you sit in any case do not sit down at the end of the cabin. If it so happened that you are faced with pestering and harassment in Turkey are always on the matter will create the maximum amount of noise to attract public attention and embarrass the rapist.


Social etiquette

Shaking hands is the normal form of greeting. Very rude to point at someone with your finger, poke someone with his toe or blow your nose in public. If you itch to clean your nose in public, try to leave the room and do it alone. In the teeth can be picked just covering the whole thing by hand. Also open displays of affection in public are discouraged.
It is very well developed hospitality, but visitors must respect Islamic traditions. Informal wear is acceptable, but a beach attire is only permitted on the beach or by the pool. Smoking is common, but not in the territory of cinemas, theaters, city buses or taxis.
Turks evince consent, that is, "yes» - Evet, nod of the head forward and down. Say "no» - Hahyur can nod up and back, raising his eyebrows up at the same time or just raising his eyebrows without a nod. Also Turks are "tsyknut" to say "no." When you move your head from side to side, you are saying "I do not understand," "thank you" you can express, raising his hand to his heart, and sometimes a little nod.
In big cities, you can take photos anywhere and anytime as you wish. But in the rural areas is better to ask for permission, especially if you want to take pictures of women who put on headscarves.

Taxes and gratuities

Turkey also has its own VAT, which is called KDV, it is usually already included in the price of most goods and services. This is evidenced by the relevant inscriptions on tablets places «Fiyatlarimizda KDV Dahildir» (KDV is already included in the price). Very rarely happens that the KDV will add to the cost of separately, be attentive to it. In many hotels and shops can offer you a good discount if you agree not to take a check or receipt.
Generally tourists can regain KDV when leaving the country, especially if committed serious shopping, for example, you bought a carpet or a jacket. However, not all stores participate in this scheme, so you should ask about that of their owners and sellers. If the answer is yes, they take a special receipt, it will be converted into cash in the bank of international departure lounge at the airport or other locations on the border of Turkey.
The average tip here is 10% the cost of meals in some of the more expensive restaurants you can take with 10-15% fail, they will be included in the bill. In the cheap hotels and restaurants such as no one would expect a tip from you. The only thing that porters usually give 2% of the room.
Taxi drivers will be glad if you give them a little more, but a taxi with a fixed rate will not wait on you this. Be sensitive to the fact of what you are going to not get into an awkward situation.
In the Turkish baths (hamam) You can also leave a small tip.


Country Code: 90
 beach in Turkey 

All times are

GMT / UTC +2
Daylight Saving Time begins on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of September.

Documents for Directions


It is important that your passport be valid for at least another six months of your stay in Turkey. Also, you will need to show it when driving as there and back.


For some countries, there is a special visa regime for three months, their residents to travel here, of course, much easier. These are: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Austria, Canada, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK and USA. They issued a tourist visa for three months at the airport, as well as they need to make a certain amount at the airport, depending on nationality. This fee must be paid in cash, are allowed the following currencies: Euro, Japanese yen, British pounds or USD.
All others should contact the Turkish Embassy for a visa. But remember that the visa regime can always be changed, so be sure to ask before you go about this in a travel agency or at the Turkish Embassy.

I hope very much that you were interested in so many facts about Turkey. Maybe you have something to add? Leave your comments below!

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